Tag arkiver: graffiti
Smukificering af Sønder Boulevard 2015

  Den anden weekend i august mødtes 4o kunstnere til simultan udsmykning af metrohegnet på Sønder Boulevard. Det er 4. år i træk gaden lukkes af en hel weekend og…


Goodmorning Wednesday! Are you ready for the opening today? Yes that’s right – the festival opens on a Wednesday this year and you better be ready for them gates to…


You know we can’t stay away from you… (also we’re back in our  international “I speak English mode” – as we are every year for the festival – where we…

#rfgraff @roskildefestival14

100+ painters and volonteers work on creating amazing art on all the temporary walls of the festival. All in all they go through more that 7000 cans of spray to…

Streetheart i SommerSummarum

I morges var vi et lille smut væk fra festivalen for at lave en mini workshop/ livepaint på 10 øren med Cheeky til SommerSummarum, som i denne uge kører storbysferie tema…