10 year anniversary for Streetheart @ Roskilde Festival this year. How time truly does fly when you’re having the time of your life. And every year we long to go…
On Sunday we checked in at Roskilde Festival once again and I love how it always feels like we’re coming home. Those green fields of grass, the smell of piss…
We wanted to take the opportunity this year to introduce you to some of the many artists who paint at Roskilde. So we’ve been running around talking to people…
Every where we look there’s art in the making. People are busting there behinds off getting the festival ready for you to enjoy. Here’s a few snaps from Monday behind…
Yesterday we checked in at Roskilde Festival again and boy did it feel good to set foot on the festival grounds once again. If you follow us on Instagram –…
Streetheart var en del af Copenhagen Art Run 2015, som løb af stablen i onsdags. Til forskel fra mere traditionelle løb, hvor det handler om at spurte afsted og komme…
COPENHAGEN ARTRUN I denne uge er Streetheart rykket til Ishøj. For 4. år i træk bliver der nemlig afholdt Copenhagen Art Run ved Ishøj Strandpark, mega dansk strandparadisisk stil i øvrigt o og…
Den anden weekend i august mødtes 4o kunstnere til simultan udsmykning af metrohegnet på Sønder Boulevard. Det er 4. år i træk gaden lukkes af en hel weekend og…
GADEKUNST INSPIRERET WORKSHOP PÅ KØS Så er det på lørdag at vi igen besøger KØS med vores workshop: Huse med Personlighed. Workshoppen er inspireret af den aktuelle udstilling på KØS med…
Goodmorning Wednesday! Are you ready for the opening today? Yes that’s right – the festival opens on a Wednesday this year and you better be ready for them gates to…